Message Corner


Mr. Shabbir Husain Bohra (M.S.W.)

The purpose of education is not just to produce academicians but also to develop humane and sensitive citizens. At Greenland Public School, we ensure that a congenial environment for learning is maintained while making sure that children have enough opportunities to develop their personal and interpersonal skills.

Our teachers are well qualified & share a passion for teaching, thereby bringing out the best in both themselves and their students. We edify our students in classical as well as contemporary models of learning while giving them a solid foundation in cultural insights of the world.


We firmly believe that parents role in the Child’s educational development is crucial. It is the parents who are the first GURU of the child. So we create mutual respect and strive to establish continuous communication between parents, teachers and administration.

We pride ourselves on creating a culture of learning where students are free to express or share their interest in variety of fields while developing their character as well. Delayed gratification, integrity, civic consciousness and the willingness not to give up, these are the values that we seek to inculcate in our students. With extra-curricular classes, a strong emphasis on communication skills and activities mean to foster cultural understanding, the students of our school emerges as elucidated and responsible citizen of the world.

Greenland Public School is more than an ordinary school. We encourage students to embark on difficult, challenging journeys that stretch their potential. But we do so with an unyielding faith in capacities of our teachers and students. The management and staff of Greenland Public School is deeply committed to work tirelessly in order to make our students’ learning experience an exciting and elucidating one.


Huzefa Dahodwala : B.Sc(Micro Biology), M.A (Eng.Lit), B.Ed, PGDCA, CTET

"If our school is a pen, the parents are the ink; joining together we can write the success story of educational development of our children."

Welcome to the website of Greenland Public School, Kotma.

As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions you may have about our school, our academic programme and student life.


As the Principal of the school, I feel honoured and privileged to be part of an educational institution where every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff.

I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process, using team strategies, while wholly centring on student achievement.

Our staff fruitfully employ two diverse strategies that are of Love and Logic to foster a positive learning environment for all our students. Love and Logic may seem like two contrasting forces. While love helps nurture trusting relationships, where students feel respected, appreciated and loved by the teachers, logic helps develop in students personal responsibility, self control, good decision making skills ,self confidence, and character building with high moral values.

Your child’s learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home & school. We know the stronger the partnership is the more your child will benefit.

Whilst we know that the information here will give you answers to many of your questions, we also know that learning is social, and in this context we encourage you to come and speak to us in person for a more detailed perspective. I look forward to working with you as we help create a school where parents are welcome at anytime, students are engaged in meaningful learning and the staff members are valued and appreciated for their efforts.

Message By the Vice Principal

Mrs. Aarti sharma : M.Sc, B.Ed

Dear Parents, Guardians and Greenland Family,

Welcome to Greenland Public School Website. As the Vice-Principal of the reputable institution I consider it my privilege to pen down my message for our newly launched website of our school. I feel very fortunate to work with many dedicated, committed, caring and innovative staff members, parents and students.


Many people consider education as a medium of getting good jobs, living a royal life, earning money and much more. But education doesn’t really mean this. Real meaning comes when one’s way of thinking gets changed and one starts thinking for the betterment of the society, country and world at large. On the whole education means holistic development of a child not only restricted to the achievements of academics but also helping the child to come up with those inherited knowledge to build a better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life.

At Greenland Public School, we believe that every child is a gift of God, and that excellence is the way of life. Keeping this in mind we provide the students value based education, opportunities to grow in every sphere of life both in academics and in their personality development. In the field of co- curricular activities, games, and sports our students are paving their way towards great heights.

I take this opportunity to thank God Almighty for his benevolence, generous blessings showered upon our institution through various people and events. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the management and Mr. Huzefa , the Principal who always guides, gives confidence, inspires and supports me in all that I do. I extend my gratitude to all the staff members for their constant amicable support towards the institution. Finally I want to thank all the students of Greenland Public School for their contribution and important role they play in the School to take the School to a greater height as per the Motto “Let Your Light Shine.”

Thank you and God Bless You!

Affiliated to Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

GreenLand Public Higher Secondary School, Kotma is an English medium, co education, Affiliated school to Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education.